Eliza Rugg – Class of 2008
Last Friday in the lead up to International Women’s Day, we celebrated with a breakfast at the College. With the theme ‘Choose to Challenge’ it was fitting that we welcomed back past pupil, Eliza Rugg (Class of 2008), Journalist and Victorian Court Reporter at 9 News Melbourne. Eliza delivered an inspirational speech touching on the difficulties she faces as a female journalist and gave us insights into her incredible career to date. From being challenged with personal conflict whilst covering the George Pell case, sharing the emotions she felt whilst covering Bourke Street driver, James Gargasoulas’ case, and discussing female role models that have helped shaped her career, she gave all members of the audience, especially the students, fascinating insights and some great advice to think about further. We are blessed to have so many Past Pupils doing amazing things not only in their careers, but in their daily lives and there is nothing more inspiring to a student than hearing their stories.