Year 9
On 1 February, we welcomed 154 students to Year 9 and into the Kildare Centre. It was wonderful to see their beautiful faces once more after the summer holidays. Their voices and laughter filled the spaces and gave life to the Kildare Centre. The Year 9 students have made a sensational start to the school year. Already, they have volunteered when I have asked for volunteers, they have shown initiative and respect and they have owned their mistakes. The students have fulfilled what has been asked of them showing strength and kindliness along the way.
This year, we welcome four students to Kilbreda College in Year 9 and we reconnect with a returning student after time spent in WA. On behalf of the Year 9 students, I welcome:
Maisie O’Toole – K2
Chelsea Willis – K3
Sascha Davenport -K4
Ella Dowling – K6 and their families to the Kilbreda community.
Returning to Kilbreda, we welcome back, Jayda Sly.
The mantra that is being used is from the College’s Positive Behaviour for Learning Framework –
Be Responsible, Be Respectful and Be Resilient. The Year 9 students are to be commended for they have shown respect, they have been responsible and they have demonstrated resilience! On Tuesday during the pastoral session the students completed the VIA Character Strengths Survey. The results of this survey rank the 24-character strengths. We all possess these character strengths and on the day of the survey, the results reflect the strengths that you are using the most at that point in time. The survey can be completed six months later and the ranking of the strengths can be different, similar or the same, but the results reflect the strengths we are calling upon at that moment in time. Ask your child what their top three character strengths were after completing the survey.
On Tuesday, the Year 9 students had their first day of the BRIDGES program. This takes place once a fortnight on Day 2. The structure of the program was explained to the students in detail. This term the theme of the BRIDGES program is BRIDGES to Country.
During the first level assembly, I read the book, “The Boy, the Mole, the Fox and the Horse” by Charley Mackesy. You could have heard a pin drop in the Kildare Centre as the story was read to the students. To quote from the author in his forward, “I hope this book encourages you, perhaps, to live courageously with more kindness for yourself and for others. And to ask for help when you need it – which is always a brave thing to do.”
A conversation between the horse and the boy:
“When have you been at your strongest?” asked the boy.
“When I have dared to show my weakness. Asking for help isn’t giving up,” said the horse. “It’s refusing to give up.”
And finally, “Nothing beats kindness,” said the horse. “It sits quietly beyond all things.”
My hope for the Year 9 students is that they are known, live courageously, be kind to themselves and to others. When in doubt, when in need, to ask for help as it is simply refusing to give up.
Jane Cowan
Level Leader: Year 9
Student Reflections
Year 9 Plate Project
In our first pastoral lesson on Tuesday, we were asked to create a plate filled with images, quotes and drawings – anything we would like to choose. The plate is intended to be a reflection of ourselves, showing our strengths. We were able to determine our strengths from a survey based on a set of questions. At the end of the survey we learnt our top five strengths, 15 middle strengths and finally, four weak strengths.
We were able to use our imagination to create this plate and design it how we liked. When the plate is completed they will be displayed in the classrooms and we can then reflect on our own strengths and work on improving those that fall in our weak category. We will also be able to view other students’ strengths which may help us to learn new things about each other.
Alice Davies
Year 9
Year 9 students had their first pastoral lesson of the year on Tuesday. We all completed the VIA Character Strengths Survey to discover our greatest strengths. Some of the common strengths people had in my Homeroom were kindness, humility, love, gratitude and hope. After we individually viewed our results and reflected, we took some time to share our results with the people around us. It was reaffirming to hear people tell us that they agreed with the survey.
After our discussions, everyone received a paper plate and was asked to decorate it, based on what the survey had taught us about our strengths and characteristics, as well as the things we love and what makes us who we are. Some people decorated their plate using colourful words, while others used pictures and drawings. Some examples were photos of friends and family, word splashes describing what defines them, illustrations of what they like, their culture and their interests.
Completing this activity was a fun way to learn more about ourselves and the others in our Homerooms. It gave us an insight into our personalities and those around us, whilst getting our creative juices flowing. We are looking forward to what is in store at our next pastoral session.
Matilda De Jong
Year 9
Year 9 Transition
Transitioning from Year 8 to Year 9 this year has been very exciting. It has been fun getting to know our new teachers and Homeroom and getting a whole new space. We have complete use of the Kildare Centre where our lockers and all Homerooms are located together on the one level. There are also areas with couches and it is a great space to have fun with all our friends.
In Year 9 we also have so many more new opportunities for electives with interesting subjects like Forensic Science, Dream/Design/Discover, Fit for Life, Young People and the Law, Writer’s Workshop, Food Technologies, Café Culture and Environmental Science. No matter what your interest may be there are fun subjects to be involved in.
There is also the opportunity to start the Duke of Edinburgh program, which involves learning a new skill, volunteer work and attend some camps where we hike, pitch tents and cook our own meals.
Year 9 looks like it is going to be a busy year full of interesting and fun activities!
Olive Davies
Year 9