Year 8
Now there were staying in Jerusalem God-fearing Jews
from every nation under heaven.
When they heard this sound, a crowd came together in bewilderment,
because each one heard their own language being spoken.
Acts 2:5-6
Next week, our Church celebrates the Feast of Pentecost, a mysterious event when the Holy Spirit gifted the disciples with the ability to speak and communicate in languages that everyone understood. Anyone who has travelled overseas will understand how difficult and frustrating it can be trying to understand people when you don’t speak their language.
Whilst this event caused the salvific message of Jesus to spread very quickly within the early Church communities, it also raises questions for the modern Church and Catholic schools. How can we speak to students about their faith using language that they understand? Will they listen? Will we listen to them? In a world that deifies the individual and measures their worth via their social media profile, how can we make students listen to Catholic Social Teaching that has subsidiarity and community at its core?
There are many ways to speak to students, and many ways to listen to them. Communication is a sine qua non for a positive relationship and the Kilbreda College staff have built very strong and mutually respectful relationships with the Year 8 students throughout the first semester of this year.
One of the big experiences in Year 8 takes place in the next fortnight, Triple E Week. Triple E Week is a time to embrace challenges, learn from them and celebrate successes and even the occasional failure. The week consists of an excursion to the National Gallery for the Top Arts and The Melbourne Now exhibitions, a pastoral day at the College facilitated by Year 8 Homeroom teachers and the Year 8 Camp. The camp is held at Valley Homestead, Ovens. More information about Valley Homestead can be found below.
We hope that all Year 8 students will embrace the opportunities that Triple E Week provides, especially the difficulties and the challenges.
We especially pray for nice weather!
Bill Fitzsimons
Level Leader: Year 8