Year 8
So, Jesus called them and said to them,
‘You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers
lord it over them, and their great ones are tyrants over them.
But it is not so among you;
but whoever wishes to become great among you must be your servant,
and whoever wishes to be first among you must be slave of all.
Mark 10:42-44
Jesus’ challenge to his Apostles, and to us, is to see leadership in a different way to how it is usually offered to us in our modern world. In Year 8 there are many opportunities for students to engage in what our Church would call ‘servant leadership’. Sometimes these leaders have been given an official title, and sometimes natural leaders arise as the year progresses.
As we approach the end of Year 8, one of the challenges facing our students is to remain focused on this year, whilst preparing for Year 9. There are two highlights in Term 4 for our Year 8 students:
- Headstart
The Headstart program begins on Monday 25 November and is designed to introduce current Year 8 students to their subjects for Year 9. Of course, students have chosen a range of electives for Year 9, so this will be their first experience of those subjects. For all of their subjects, Headstart provides an opportunity to prepare for the learning opportunities of Year 9, and to begin the transition into 2025.
- Year 8 Dance Battle
This activity invites every Year 8 Homeroom to compete with the year level by preparing a dance performance. The Dance Battle reaches its climax on Wednesday 4 December when all the dances are presented and judged accordingly. Students are responsible for all of their own choreography, costuming and music. Each Homeroom has been rehearsing during lunchtimes, and the quality of dancing so far has been extraordinary.
We are blessed in Year 8 to have many servant leaders, and their support for one another, for their teachers and for Kilbreda College has been enormous throughout 2024.
Bill Fitzsimons
Level Leader: Year 8