

Year 8

Jesus went on with his disciples to the villages of Caesarea Philippi;

and on the way he asked his disciples,

‘Who do people say that I am?’ And they answered him,

‘John the Baptist; and others, Elijah; and still others, one of the prophets.’ 

Jesus asked them, ‘But who do you say that I am?’

Peter answered him, ‘You are the Messiah.’

Mark 8:27-29

In Mark’s gospel Jesus’ identity is gradually revealed until the final great events in the Passion and Resurrection narratives. Along the way, many people make the mistake of believing Jesus is someone other than the messiah, which the disciples allude to in the excerpt above. Finally, Peter is brave enough to tell everyone what he truly believes about who Jesus is.

There have been many opportunities for Year 8 students to be brave throughout Term 3. It takes bravery to start at a new school, as four students did at the start of this term. It takes bravery to answer questions in class, especially when you’re not 100% sure that you’re correct. It takes bravery to express a belief or an opinion that might not be popular or ‘cool.’ Ultimately, it is the brave that will take us into the future.

Plans are underway amongst the Year Eight community for a massive Brigidine Day. On Brigidine Day we celebrate our identity as part of three traditions: as a Catholic school, as an Australian school and as a Brigidine/Kildare Ministries school. Although tradition is seen by some as pejorative, it is not. It gives us a norm to judge everything we do, and inspires us towards continual improvement and growth.

The choreography for the year level dance is making excellent progress. Congratulations and many thanks to the lead choreographers: Sienna Baker, Lilah Bond and Harper Tangey. For what has been done so far, well done!

Bill Fitzsimons

Level Leader: Year 8