

Year 8

“No one, when he has lit a lamp,

covers it with a vessel or puts it under a bed,

but sets it on a lampstand,

that those who enter may see the light. 

For nothing is secret that will not be revealed,

nor anything hidden that will not be known and come to light”. 

Luke 8:16-17

Jesus’ reflection in Luke about not hiding your metaphorical light under a bushel basket has direct application to the life of a Year 8 student at Kilbreda College. Oftentimes we tell our students to be confident, to take risks in their learning and to bring a growth mindset to the inevitable human reality of occasionally being wrong. Sometimes Year 8 students take this challenge seriously, but very often they hide their light to avoid being seen, and to feel safe in the shadows. This is the ongoing challenge that they all face – of being strong and kindly enough to encourage others, but also confident enough to be their best. As I often say to them, I want you to be brave, not perfect!

Recently, Neve Hoult (8-60) exemplified Jesus’ challenge when she represented Victoria in Hockey at the School Sport Australia games. The SSA Games were held at the Gold Coast and featured many sports including hockey, football, swimming, netball, basketball and softball.

One of the attached photos features the opening ceremony where all the teams from across Australia sat together to listen to a guest speaker, watch Aboriginal cultural dances and hear from a local federal minister. The remaining photos show Neve in full flight, showing the skills that enabled her to score three goals, including two in the final playoff. Congratulations, Neve!

As I write this the Year 8 Homerooms are finalising their entry for the annual Year 8 Winter Door Decorating Competition. As the title indicates, each Homeroom is invited to decorate the door of their classroom in a winter theme, with the winning Homeroom earning a much anticipated hot chip lunch next week.

The successful Homeroom for the Door Decorating Competition will need to have made extensive use of the skills that are sometime referred to in the business world as “soft skills”. This is a misnomer, as these skills are absolutely essential for a successful career, and are thus much sought after by potential employers. Skills such as creativity, clear communication, teamwork, respect for the opinions of others, listening and successful resolution of conflict are a sine qua non for success in this competition, and in the modern world of work. The winner will be announced, no doubt to much acclaim, next Monday 26 August.

Plans are underway amongst the Year 8 community for a massive Brigidine Day, and the choreography for the year level dance is making excellent progress. Congratulations and many thanks to the lead choreographers: Sienna Baker, Lilah Bond and Harper Tangey. For what has been done so far, well done!

Bill Fitzsimons

Year 8 Level Leader