Year 12
Friday marks the official end of Year 12 VCE classes. For those completing the VCE VM or a non-scored VCE pathway this means the end of their school days. We will gather this Friday morning for a breakfast to celebrate our achievements and thank those who have supported us in our educational journey. I look forward to seeing the array of costumes as they showcase their desired careers or in some cases what they wanted to be when they were in kindergarten.
The formal assembly on Thursday acknowledged the contributions of the Year 12s and highlighted those who went above and beyond to create a sense of wonder within the year level, as well highlighting the academic achievements gained in all the classes. As always, the farewell speech by the outgoing captains was a highlight as they spoke with passion about their time here and the cohesiveness of the group.
Next Wednesday evening we will gather together with parents and give thanks for all the support we have received over the past thirteen years of schooling. We are so fortunate to have Father Peter Matheson celebrate the Mass with us as he always speaks with passion about the Kilbreda values.
I would like to thank all of the students in this group who have been with me on the journey of senior school over the past two years. They spent their early secondary years adapting to online learning, the uncertainty of being at school and then not at school. They supported each other in times of challenge and celebrated successes with joy.
Thank you for all the laughs and good times we shared. I wish you nothing but happiness and success as you move forward in your lives. For those who are entering the workforce, TAFE or university, good luck and I hope it is everything you hoped it to be. For those who are sitting exams, I wish you the best of luck. When studying seems tough, hang in there and remember there are only a few weeks left.
For those who have no idea what they are doing next year, keep trying new things and you will find what brings you joy and purpose. As Kermit the Frog says, “Just because you haven’t found your talent yet doesn’t mean you don’t have one.”
Sue Dempster
Level Leader: Year 12