Year 12
The weather to start this term has been cold and gloomy. Winter certainly has made its presence felt. I searched for the meaning of the word and found that it is derived from an old Germanic word that means “time of water” and refers to the rain and snow of winter. How fitting it was that we were fortunate to once again listen to Tammy Van Wisse tell us of her life and how to overcome challenges.
Tammy has been a guest speaker for a number of years, and she is able to adapt and change her focus to suit each group of Year 12s. She told us to work together, for as a strong, united group we can then utilise the strengths and talents of each other to have a successful year. Tammy suggested that we have big plans and goals but to break them down and accomplish them in steps. A key focus this term will be looking at future pathways and what to expect after school.
This year Tammy focussed on three key aspects of her training and how she applied them to achieve her goals in the area of long distance swimming. She holds many records and even has a day named after her; 21 July is now proclaimed each and every year as ‘Tammy van Wisse Day’ in Monmouth County, New Jersey USA!
Tammy spoke of three key elements to success which can be applied to Year 12.
Purpose – knowing where you are going and what you enjoy helps you focus. Some ways to achieve this are: reading about the many different courses offered, going to open days and checking the requirements for entry.
Plan – having a clear plan of how to achieve your purpose. Tammy suggested breaking tasks down into smaller ones and having a checklist, organise time, look at the SAC calendar. At times you need to prioritise school and maybe reschedule outside activities.
Perseverance – there will be times when results are not what you expected, or the workload seems too great, but Tammy emphasised that perseverance and grit is important in achieving your goals. She spoke of swimming in the darkness of Loch Ness, freezing cold in the black water but every now and then there were iridescent bubbles which created spots of brightness and that’s what she looked for.
With less than 40 teaching days until our Year 12 celebration day, now is the time to appreciate the opportunities provided for learning at school and embrace them. Tammy’s award at school was ‘least likely to succeed at sport’. She has shown us that with a clear sense of purpose, a step-by-step plan and persevering through the hard times we can all gain success.
Sue Dempster
Year 12 Level Leader