

Wellbeing and Engagement

Our final weeks of Term 3 have epitomised our Year 12 Student Leaders’ theme of hope, bringing a sense of purpose. Staff and students have come together through various sporting activities, Design and Technologies challenges, STEM opportunities, year level gatherings, musical performances and wellbeing initiatives such as ‘R U Ok? Day’ to acknowledge and celebrate the gifts and talents of each other.  This reflects our commitment to being an inclusive community, one that values all.

RU OK Day – Thursday 12 September  

R U OK? Day is a day dedicated to sparking meaningful conversations and nurturing mental health and wellbeing. The theme, “Listen, Connect, Support,” emphasises the power of simple, genuine check-ins. It’s a reminder that a compassionate question or a supportive conversation can make a significant difference in someone’s life.

Brigidine Day

Brigidine Day marks the end of Term 3. This is an important day to come together as a community in celebration and acknowledgement as well as an opportunity to raise funds for BASP (Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project).

Our fundraising goal is $10,000. There are many opportunities to make donations through the clothes swap, online sponsoring of the walk, book sale, raffle and stalls. Information was sent via PAM and see below.

Brigid Awards

The Brigid Awards are presented on Brigidine Day. These prestigious awards are given to two students from each year level who demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Show “Strength and Kindliness”
  • Be aware of and welcome students, staff and visitors to the school community.
  • Have a positive approach to Kilbreda and the life of the school.
  • Take time to make a difference in the classroom.
  • Be involved in school initiatives.
  • Encourage others to achieve their goals.
  • Celebrate others’ achievements.
  • Work in partnership with members of the school community.
  • Be supportive of the various services within Kilbreda.

Keep your eye on the Kilbreda College social media pages, where we will announce the recipients.

Parent information

Dr Justin Coulson is an author, co-host and founder of He holds a PhD in psychology and is one of Australia’s most trusted parenting experts. He will be holding an online presentation for parents on:

Tuesday 29 October at 8.00pm

Tweens, Teens and Screens – A presentation for high school parents

(As part of the session at 7.00pm there is a focus on the same topic for primary school parents – “Unplug Childhood”)


Please register using the URL link below and you will receive a viewing link via email and reminders prior to the event:

URL link:

A recording of the event will be available for 14 days after the event.

Jane Delahunty

Acting Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement