

Wellbeing and Engagement

Celebrating Community:  Nurturing Connection, Belonging, and our Collective Spirit

This term, our College has placed a significant focus on connection, belonging, and leadership, recognising these as essential components of a strong community. Research shows that students who are highly engaged in their school community are 2.5 times more likely to be proud of their school and 2.2 times more likely to feel a sense of belonging. This term, we have witnessed our wonderful collective spirit in action.

Our Year 8 students had a fantastic time on camp, forging stronger bonds across the year level. Additionally, the two school-based days dedicated to developing design, creative, and critical thinking skills were outstanding. During these days, students designed projects and programs addressing social justice issues, demonstrating their commitment to making a difference.

This collective spirit was also evident during our extraordinary “Music by Candlelight” evening on Wednesday, where we came together to celebrate the remarkable talents of our students and music staff. Furthermore, during Reconciliation Week, our commitment to community was showcased as some of our First Nations students, alongside Year 11 students and staff, collaborated to develop our vision statement for Reconciliation. These events exemplify the strong bonds and shared values that define our school community.

Over the coming weeks, we will be captivated by the magic of our Junior School Production of Frozen JR, showcasing the talents and creativity of our younger students. Meanwhile, our senior students will start considering future pathway options, as they prepare to embark on the next stage of their academic and personal journey.

In conclusion, Kilbreda College stands as a testament to the power of community and collaboration. Our school is not merely a place of learning but a vibrant community of students, teachers, and parents who embrace a collective spirit to foster connection and belonging. By nurturing these essential characteristics, we not only create a supportive environment for each individual but also cultivate a thriving community where everyone can flourish. As we continue our journey together, let us remain committed to upholding these values, knowing that they are the foundation upon which our collective success is built.

Child Safety

On 1 July 2022, 11 Child Safe Standards came into force in Victoria. The Victorian Government introduced these Standards to promote the safety of children, prevent child abuse, and ensure effective processes are in place to respond to and report allegations of child abuse.

As an organisation that works with children, we, like all schools, are required to comply with these Standards and implement all aspects of the 11 Standards. We recognise that the care, safety and wellbeing of children and young people is a central and fundamental responsibilities of ours.

Kilbreda College has always been, and continues to be, committed to child safety across all aspects and levels within our school. We want our students to be, and feel, emotionally, culturally, and physically safe at school.

Kilbreda College has in place policies, procedures, and practices to support and promote child safety. These include but are not limited to:

  • A Student Wellbeing Team that promotes child safety and wellbeing throughout the school.
  • Staff that are appointed Child Safety Officers who are available to offer assistance and guidance.
  • Risk management strategies that focus on preventing, identifying, and mitigating risks.
  • Educational programs that inform students and reduce risks.
  • Staff training in child safety and wellbeing, including training in responding to and mandatory reporting of child abuse.
  • A zero-tolerance policy for child abuse and a commitment to treat all allegations and safety concerns seriously.
  • A commitment to community engagement and education on child safety.

Our community, teachers, and parents share a common goal – protecting our children. The best way to do this is to:

  • Become familiar with the Child Safeguarding Program.  This is outlined on our College website.  LINK
  • Work in partnership with the school in caring for our students.
  • Engage with the measures we put in place to ensure the best care for our students.

Together, we can be better informed and therefore more able to prevent child abuse and keep our children safe.

Stephanie Smyth
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement