

Wellbeing and Engagement

Celebrating the Class of 2023

Over the coming week, we will celebrate a number of special occasions to commemorate the final days at school for the Class of 2023. Just as our lives are signposted by significant dates – birthdays, weddings, Christmas – so too are the symbolic events in the lives of a school journey. The Term 4 Year 12 Final Assembly, the Celebratory Breakfast, the Graduation Mass and Dinner and walking through the gates of our red brick school as a Kilbreda student for the final time.  Such moments create a particular rhythm and a sense of belonging and identity amongst students. Just like the sound of our whole school community singing the ‘Hymn to St Brigid,’ this serves as a palpable reminder of our shared vision to be people of ‘Strength and Kindliness.’

We hold our Year 12 students and their families firmly in our prayers and in our thoughts and we wrap them with lots and lots of love as they prepare to graduate from Kilbreda College. We thank the Class of 2023 for the small acts that have had a big impact on our community over the past six years. They have influenced many of the student-led initiatives that we have celebrated over the years. A few of our favourites included: Love Kilbreda Day, International Women’s Day activities, the Push-Up Challenge, Sustainability Clothes Swap, Community Action breakfasts, R U Okay Day? initiatives, Performing Arts lunchtime concerts and so many other community events. The purpose of these initiatives was to always celebrate those who genuinely make Kilbreda so special in their own unique ways, whilst ensuring that our College values are deeply ingrained in our lives.

We wish the Class of 2023 all the very best for the final days of their Kilbreda journey.  We look forward to collectively supporting them to the finish line.

Visual Arts, Design and Technologies Exhibition and Fashion Show

The commemoration of our annual Visual Arts, Design and Technologies Exhibition and Fashion Show presents a celebratory time for our VCE Arts students to exhibit their portfolios encompassing Visual Communication and Design, Media Studies and Art Creative Practice subjects, as well as provide our Food Technology and Product, Design and Technology fashion design students with an opportunity to showcase their incredible creativity and talents.

It has been wonderful to see the Sister Mary Dalton Hall transformed into an exhibition space, where our students prompt introspection with their exhibited work. Each piece narrates a distinctive story, raising our curiosity as we enjoy their masterpieces and the text that accompanies their work. I always relish the opportunity to engage in discussion with our students about the inspiration, story and ideas that shaped the narrative woven into their works and the key learnings gained from the experience. Congratulations to all students who had their work exhibited and for all members of our community to admire and celebrate their remarkable talents.

Supporting the Wellbeing of our Young People Parent Seminar

Thank you to all parents and carers who attended the ‘Supporting the Wellbeing of our Young People’ parent seminar session that was facilitated by Sharon Witt on Tuesday 10 October. During the session, Sharon provided information on the importance of supporting our children and teenagers to be resilient, to develop the skills to regulate emotions, to prioritise physical activity, nutrition and sleep and to put boundaries around social media use.

The following links to resources were provided:

I wish you and your family all the best for the coming week and look forward to catching up with you at upcoming community events.

Stephanie Smyth
Assistant Principal: Wellbeing and Engagement