

Principal’s Report

Reconciliation Week which extends from 27 May to 3 June was acknowledged in multiple ways at the College.  This period marks two important milestones in Australia’s reconciliation journey: the 1967 referendum, which recognised Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples in the census, and the 1992 Mabo decision, which overturned the notion of terra nullius and recognised native title.  Reconciliation Week is aimed at fostering understanding and healing between Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and non-Indigenous Australians.  This year’s theme was ‘Now More Than Ever’.

As a school community we gathered on Thursday morning for a very special Reconciliation Week Liturgy where we paused to acknowledge and reflect on the injustices of the past, and to commit ourselves to continuing to advocate for Reconciliation through Voice, Treaty and Truth-telling.    During the liturgy we listened to the beautiful reflection of Dr Miriam-Rose Ungunmerr Baumann AM, who is a proud Ngan’giwumirri woman and Elder from Nauiyu in the Daly River region of the Northern Territory, on ‘dadirri’. The word, concept and spiritual practice that is dadirri is from the Ngan’gikurunggurr and Ngen’giwumirri languages and means inner, deep listening and quiet, still awareness. It is a ‘tuning in’ experience with the specific aim to come to a deeper understanding of the beauty of nature. You can read more about dadirri and watch Miriam-Rose’s reflection here.

Developing a Reconciliation Action Plan

During the week our Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) Working Party, which is made up of students and staff, gathered to continue to refine the Action Plan that they have been developing over the last 12 months or so.  Developing a RAP for our College formalises our commitment to reconciliation and includes practical actions for us to take so that we may continue to contribute to, and advocate for, reconciliation.

The Working Party gave a wonderful presentation to all staff on Monday afternoon, at which they shared their Vision for Reconciliation, which is centred upon our six core values.  I thank and commend all members of the Working Party for their commitment to reconciliation and as a school community we look forward to finalising our Reconciliation Action Plan and enacting it at the College.

A Prayer from our Liturgy

God of justice and forgiveness,
Guide us as we continue our pathways to Reconciliation.

Grant us the courage to speak out against the injustices that our Indigenous brothers and sisters continue to suffer.

Help us to see with new eyes, to listen to the stories of our Indigenous brothers and sisters and to feel with a heart of compassion.
Help us to build right relations with each other based on truth and justice.
We ask this prayer through Christ our Lord.


Nicole Mangelsdorf