

Performance and Development

This semester the Professional Learning Communities sessions were led by our Learning Leaders. Each leader identified an area of focus in their learning area through summative data, student perception data, assessment data, and qualitative data. Each learning area completed an Action Research Cycle and on 6 November presented their findings to all teaching staff.

The following is a snapshot of the work of the Learning Leaders this term:

Digital Technologies: implemented student perception surveys in Year 7, 9 and 11 to explore student’s understanding of AI. Staff are now developing curriculum to meet the needs of students in Digital Technologies and to use AI to enhance their learning.

English: embedded ‘worked examples’ to enhance students’ writing confidence and ability in assessed writing tasks

Health and Physical Education: developed a set of practical adjustments to meet specialised needs of students in the practical assessments

Humanities: a focus on command terms across the year levels and the development of a Humanities Toolbox

Languages: reviewed all data sources available to develop assessments to meet the needs of language students in their classes

Library and Information Services: a review of databases took place to meet the needs of students and staff at the College

Mathematics: focused on spaced repetition and interleaving practice to enhance retention of key mathematical concepts

Performing Arts: pre-tests took place to ascertain students’ understanding of the performance skills necessary to achieve their best results in both Drama and Music. Teaching staff developed rubrics that reflected skills necessary and developed lessons to enhance these skills. Post-tests were in the form of Drama and Music performance and outlined areas of strength and areas of improvement.

Religious Education: student perception data was collated to identify key interest areas in the RE curriculum and to develop the Year 9 Electives

Science: VCAA Digital Data Platform – staff conducted tests via the VCAA Digital Data Platform to highlight skills. Staff are now developing resources for Years 7 – 10 to enhance skills in the Science curriculum.

VCE VM: a focus on work placement and the skills necessary. Staff created a detailed booklet to document skills and ask students to reflect on their learnings and capabilities

Visual Arts/Design and Technologies: developed new assessments that continued to challenge students incorporating higher order thinking skills.

It was a wonderful afternoon working with colleagues and discussing their vision to enhance student learning and outcomes.

Clare Kelly

Assistant Principal: Performance and Development