Living Justice Report
Plastic Free July
The Student Environmental Action Leaders (SEALs) were active promoting Plastic Free July last month. Plastic Free July is a global campaign to raise awareness of the issues around our ubiquitous use of plastics and the pollution of our environment.
The Kilbreda SEALs started a collection of soft plastics for recycling by hanging tote bags on the outside of our bins at the College. Soft plastics are now being recycled through Kingston Council until a more sustainable method is launched. The collection points and more information can be found below.
Soft plastics recycling was enthusiastically embraced by the College Community, with the collection bags filling up quickly each day. While the team would love to keep recycling soft plastics, the large volume of soft plastics that are being brought to the College each day is not sustainable for us to keep collecting. In addition, some food product is contaminating the plastics, which means that it cannot be recycled. Unfortunately we do not have the time or resources to sort through and separate out discarded organic waste so are relying on our College community to do the right thing. The signs on the bins and around the College provide important information about how we can recycle more effectively. We greatly appreciate everyone’s assistance with this and being part of the plastic pollution solution!
T-shirt to Tote Bag
Another initiative during the month was to run activities during lunchtime to raise and promote awareness. Our Year 7 leader, Chloe, organised the Make a Tote Bag from a T shirt activity, which was fun and resulted in some great looking bags! Students could also enjoy the movie, The Lorax, which was popular.
Great Recycling Race
The SEALs held the Great Recycling Race on Thursday 27 July, where teams competed in sorting a bag of rubbish into the correct bins. The fastest and most accurate won a prize!
The most common mistake?
1 – Coffee cups (plastic lid goes into recycling and cup into landfill)
2 – Paper bags from our canteen (have to go into landfill as they have a greaseproof lining).
Thanks to our fantastic team of Student Leaders for your enthusiasm and organisation. Well done!
Sarah Avitabile
Sustainability Coordinator
Social Justice
Vinnies Winter Sleepout
A huge congratulations to everyone involved in the Vinnies Winter Sleepout last Friday. 26 Year 12 students, 11 Year 9 students and four members of staff braved the cold and uncomfortable conditions of sleeping on the ground. Some of the Year 12 students and Ms Smyth were brave enough to sleep outdoors. Together a total of $11,357 was raised!
The night was about raising awareness about homelessness and disadvantage that exists right here in our backyard. Watching a couple of episodes of “Filthy Rich and Homeless”, set in Melbourne, was an effective way of informing the participants about the hardships people endure and a means for reflection on how privileged their own lifestyles are.
Funds raised will provide support for those in the community that need it the most.
Well done everyone with a special mention to Sophie O’Hara and Ms Smyth who both raised over $1,000!
Building Bridges
On Tuesday 1 August, our Building Bridges students ventured to Mazenod College, an independent, Roman Catholic, day-school for boys located in Mulgrave. It is one of three schools run by the Oblates (Priests) of Mary Immaculate and the only one in Victoria. Our students were once again, in awe of the beautiful chapel where Mass is conducted every day and year levels / Homerooms take turns in coordinating the Mass.
Once again the evening was filled with lively discussion conducted in small groups by the young Wellsprings facilitators. This was preceded by the ever popular pizza dinner. It is great to see the friendships developing between the students from different schools.
Trish Moloney
Living Justice Coordinator