Learning and Teaching
VCAA Examinations
The VCAA examinations have started well. It has been wonderful to see Year 12 students prepared for their examinations and supporting each other in group study sessions. Year 11 students undertaking a Unit 3 & 4 study have also demonstrated great preparedness. Well done!
A reminder for students to arrive 30 minutes before the scheduled start of each examination to provide you the opportunity to sign in, settle nerves and not feel rushed.
Years 9 to 11 End of Year Examinations
Communications regarding Years 9 to Year 11 examinations have been shared with families. Please note that students who have been granted special exam provisions, have a clash of exams or have three exams on one day will be advised of their alternative arrangements for these sessions via separate communication in the coming days.
There will be no Homeroom period conducted on the days of scheduled examinations. Students are only required to attend school on the days that they have examinations scheduled. It is recommended that students arrive a minimum of 20 to 30 minutes before the start time of their first examination for the day and make their way to the allocated examination venue. Students are only permitted to leave the College after their last examination for the day. Parents will be required to give permission on PAM for students to leave the College early after their last examination for the day.
Unit 1/2 Examinations
- All subjects
- Examinations from Friday 15 November to Thursday 21 November
Year 10 Examinations
- All subjects with the exception of Health and Physical Education
- Examinations from Friday 15 November to Thursday 21 November
Year 9 Examinations
- English, Mathematics, Science, Religious Education and Humanities only
- Examinations on Tuesday 19 November and Thursday 21 November
Jane Ward
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching