Learning and Teaching
Hope – Bringing a Sense of Purpose
This week we celebrate Brigidine Day, an opportunity to remember and recognise the legacy of St. Brigid and the Brigidine Sisters. Belonging to a Brigidine community is worth celebrating and provides us with the opportunity to reflect on the importance of courage. The Brigidine Sisters responded to the call on their lives to give of themselves to serve others. Today we are the beneficiaries of this sacrifice and dedication and have a responsibility to continue living a life that is marked with hope. Please consider donating to our fundraising efforts which will be donated to the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project.
“Let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.”
1 John 3:18
VCE Unit 3 & 4 Trial Examinations
A reminder that VCE Unit 3 and 4 Trial Examinations will be conducted during the second week of the upcoming school holiday break. Students are expected to attend these examination sessions in order to best prepare for the VCAA Examinations beginning in October. Many of these examinations will be assessed externally which provides the opportunity for students to hear feedback from another teacher. The examination sessions will also be supervised by our VCAA assessors, providing an authentic experience for students prior to their end of year examinations. Please refer to the communication sent home to families from Ms Louise Mansfield for timetables and further information.
Using the Holiday Break Wisely
School holidays a great opportunity to reflect and recharge. It is important that students utilise some of this time to have some down time and refresh their energy levels and mindset for the term ahead. The term break is also an opportune time to prepare for the final term of the 2024 school year. During Term 4 all students will have the opportunity to consolidate their learning for the year and demonstrate their new understandings through assignments and other class tasks. Students in Year 9 and above will also undertake examinations to demonstrate their understandings.
When studying for tests or exams students need to understand that studying is different from doing homework. Students need to think about how they learn best and study appropriately. Some students may benefit from writing out notes and summarising information on flashcards. For others it might be helpful to have another person test them. It is important for students to have all the information they need within easy reach – it is worth spending some time at the beginning of the holidays to organise your notes in preparation for the study ahead.
Examinations are a specialised form of assessment, requiring specialised performance and perhaps different study techniques than what you would normally use. You have a short time in which to complete tasks that demand thorough knowledge of the subject and the ability to work quickly and strategically. Extra study is required to practice for exams. After fully revising the topic, practice answering exam type questions within the time limit.
Make the most of the opportunities that you have and prepare to do your best.
Jane Ward
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching