Learning and Teaching
2025 Subject Allocations
Term 2 and Term 3 have provided opportunities for students and families from Years 9 to 12 to engage in a number of different touchpoints regarding future pathways. Conversations with Year Level Leaders, the Careers Coordinator and other senior members of staff have taken place during Pastoral and Futures classes. There have also been opportunities to explore future pathways at the Careers Expo, the Year 10 Futures Week and the Pathways Expo.
Now that students have submitted their subject preferences we begin the process of analysing the data to plan for 2025. Please be patient with us as we take time to pursue possibilities to cater for the various pathways and student interests.
VCE Unit 3 & 4 Trial Examinations
A reminder that VCE Unit 3/4 Trial Examinations will be conducted during the second week of the upcoming school holiday break. Students are expected to attend these examination sessions in order to best prepare for the VCAA Examinations beginning in October. Many of these examinations will be assessed externally which provides the opportunity for students to hear feedback from another teacher. The examination sessions will also be supervised by our VCAA assessors, providing an authentic experience for students prior to their end of year examinations. Further communication will be sent home to families soon from Mrs Louise Mansfield regarding timetables and logistical information.
Jane Ward
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching