

Learning and Teaching

Semester 1 Examinations

Whilst students undertake various forms of assessments throughout the year to ascertain their level of understanding, we value the importance of examinations and the skills that students develop through purposeful study and application. We recognise that examinations are a vital component of the development of students in the senior secondary years and as such implement formal examinations from Year 9.

Please note that the following:

  • VCE VM classes will run as per the normal timetable – Homeroom and Pastoral details for Year 11 VCE VM will be communicated via SIMON
  • Year 11 students who are completing an Accelerated VCE Study should endeavour to attend their Unit 3&4 class if this is feasible and does not conflict with their examination timetable or preparation for an exam
  • Students can access the relevant ‘Exam Navigator’ and the examination timetables on SIMON in the ‘Exam Timetable and Resources’ folder under ‘Student Links’

Examination Period

Unit 1 and Year 10 Examinations

  • Tuesday 11 June to Monday 17 June

Year 9 Examinations

  • Thursday 13 June to Monday 17 June

Pathways Planning

At Kilbreda we engage students and families in the pathways planning process and provide multiple opportunities for exploration of careers and future endeavours. Currently all Year 10 students are attending workshops as part of their Futures Program to learn more about the different subject offerings in Year 11 and 12 and the future pathways that these subjects support. Students will also undertake a facilitated discussion with the Careers Coordinator, Mrs Laura Lunardi, to discuss their interests and possible pathways. This will be followed by Futures Week in the concluding week of this term where students will experience subject tasters, visit tertiary institutions, explore aspects of the workforce and participate in a mock job interview.

I encourage all families with students heading into the senior years to save the two following dates in their calendars:

  • Monday 17 June – Careers Expo – 6.00pm to 8.00pm
  • Thursday 25 July – Pathways Expo 5.30pm to 8.00pm

These two events are a wonderful opportunity to partner with the College and support your daughter in their educational journey. We look forward to seeing you there.

BASP Ration Challenge

As part of their BRIDGES to Community Unit, many Year 9 Students are taking part in the BASP Ration Challenge.

The BASP Ration Challenge asks students to eat the same rations as a refugee for three days and be sponsored to do so. By putting themselves in the shoes of a refugee, they will deepen their BRIDGES learning about global issues, develop further empathy for others and feel empowered to make a difference in the world. The money raised will support the community works of the Brigidine Asylum Seekers Project (BASP). The school seeks to give students a safe and empowering way to respond to these issues through the BASP Ration Challenge.

The BASP Ration Challenge will take place from Tuesday 25 June to Thursday 27 June 2024. Please see the attached flyer on how to support BASP through this campaign.

Jane Ward
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching