


Year 8 Language and Culture Day:
A Vibrant Celebration of Diversity

On 5 June, all Year 8 students at the College enjoyed an immersive Language and Culture Day where they engaged in various workshops highlighting the foreign languages they are learning: Italian, French and Japanese. The day was filled with vibrant activities and cultural experiences.


Italian workshops, led by Mr Di Fabrizio, focused on the culinary art of pizza making and tasting, while Mr Di Castro guided students through an Italian art experience, teaching the techniques Michelangelo used to paint the Sistine Chapel. Ms Cristiano captivated students with traditional Southern Italian dances, specifically the Tarantella.


French workshops were equally engaging. Mr Smith introduced students to the delicious world of French cuisine through quiche making and tasting. Meanwhile, Mr Murill led a French art experience, where students explored French impressionism techniques using watercolours.


Adding an exciting dimension to the day, a Japanese Manga artist presented a workshop for Year 8 Japanese students. This incursion was a unique opportunity for students to dive into the world of Manga. After learning about the art form’s intricacies and cultural significance, all students enjoyed Japanese delicacies brought by Ms Yamanaka and Mr Sakurai.  Compass students also joined this cultural experience.

Many thanks to the dedicated efforts of our teachers and helpers. Special thanks to Ms Vaughan (for letting us use the kitchen facilities), Tammy (for helping in the kitchen) and Freya (Learning Diversity Assistant)  for assisting in the art workshops. Their assistance was invaluable.

A heartfelt thank you to all the languages teachers Mr Di Castro, Mr Smith, Mr Murill, Ms Cristiano, Ms Yamanaka and Mr Sakurai for their exceptional contributions.

Giovanni Di Fabrizio 
Learning Leader: Languages