

Health and Physical Education

Health and PE Highlights

Year 7 Swimming Program

The students have begun heading down Mentone Parade to Mentone Girls Grammar as part of the Year 7 Swimming Program. Sessions covered the Victorian Water Safety Certificate, teaching students’ essential survival skills, stroke techniques and the ability to assess risks associated with different aquatic environments. 

Australia’s beautiful coastline, rivers and pools make water activities an integral part of our culture. It is crucial for students to be equipped with the necessary skills and knowledge to stay safe in and around water. It empowers students to make informed decisions and handle water-related situations confidently, reducing the risk of accidents and drowning incidents.

The Year 7 students are thoroughly enjoying the swimming program with participation soaring. Their enthusiasm and excitement is palpable as they embrace the water. It is awesome to witness their progress.

Year 10 Gym Sessions

Year 10 students head towards the end of the semester juggling exams and Futures Week. To help them unwind and relieve stress, the PE department organized exercise sessions including guided sessions of Body Pump, Body Balance, Spin and for a lucky few, Zumba at South Pacific Gym in Mentone. The students are taking part in these sessions with great enthusiasm. Their enjoyment is helping make the exercise sessions a great success in promoting their overall wellbeing.

Year 7 and 8 Health Classes

Some of our Year 7 and 8 Health classes have already had their incursion workshop with ‘Elephant Ed’. The Year 7 students take part in an ‘Elephant Ed’ session titled ‘Identity”. This session will broach some difficult topics introducing the concept of identity, sexuality and attraction.

At Year 8, students are provided with strategies to analyse everyday sexualised images critically and focus on distortions around consent and body image.

So far there has been an overwhelmingly positive response by students with many comments being made where the students appreciated the message of acceptance and equality of all people as well as the greater clarity they have achieved through the sessions. More feedback to come in later issues.

Upcoming Events

During PE the Year 8 students will be “bringing it on” next term in a group of Cheerleading incursions. Meanwhile, Year 9 students will be channelling their inner “Karate Kid” during self-defence incursions.

Daniel Kelly
Learning Leader: Health and Physical Education