

Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching

General Achievement Test (GAT)

This week, students studying a Unit 3/4 subject have undertaken a practice General Achievement Test (GAT). The GAT is a test of general knowledge and skills including communication, Mathematics, Science and Technology, the Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences taken by students in the course of completing their senior secondary studies. In 2022, Senior VCAL students will also be required to sit ‘Section A’ of the GAT.

GAT Date

Wednesday 7 September
9.30am to 3.00 pm

Section A: Literacy (Reading and Writing) and Numeracy
9.30am to 11.45am
11.45pm to 1.15pm Break

Section B: General Knowledge and Skills
1.15pm to 3.00 pm

As part of the reform of the VCE and VCAL system, Victorian senior secondary students will this year have their literacy and numeracy skills measured against new standards in a redeveloped GAT.

The new standards will indicate whether students have demonstrated the literacy and numeracy skills typically expected of someone completing their secondary schooling – giving another indication of their readiness to move onto further education, training or employment.

The GAT will be split into two sections:

  • Section A will assess literacy and numeracy skills.
  • Section B will assess skills in mathematics, science, technology, the arts and humanities, with an increased focus on critical and creative thinking skills.

On Wednesday 7 September, all VCE and Senior VCAL students will be required to sit Section A of the GAT. VCE and Senior VCAL students who are enrolled in one or more VCE or scored VCE VET Unit 3/4 sequence are required to sit both Section A and B. This includes students who are enrolled in the VCE or a scored VCE VET Unit 3/4 sequence who are not planning to undertake their scored assessments (i.e., Unscored VCE). Please refer to the letter emailed to students and families last week for further details.

VCAL Showcase

Tuesday 30 August
6.00pm to 8.00pm
We are looking forward to the opportunity to share the Senior VCAL student presentations with family and friends. Make sure you save the date and come along to the College to support our VCAL students and hear about the amazing projects that they have implemented this year.

Elevate Education – Parent Sessions

Elevate Education are offering a free webinar to parents of Kilbreda students.

Topic: How to Help Your Child Write Better Notes
Date: Wednesday 24 August
Time: 6.30pm online via Zoom

The webinar will include the following:

  • The most effective way to structure notes
  • The three levels of acquiring knowledge and how to implement this at home
  • The power of deliberate practice and the fastest way for your child to improve their results

Save the Date

Year 10 and 11 Music Recital Evening

Our College is proud to have numerous talented musicians as part of our community. Make sure you don’t miss out on the opportunity to see a live performance of some of this amazing talent.

Year 10 and Year 11 Music students will be presenting their final showcase for the year.

Date: Wednesday 14 September
Time: 6.30pm to 8.00pm
Venue: College Auditorium

Jane Ward
Assistant Principal: Learning and Teaching