“Dare to Hope” – View Documentary

“In the face of adversity, there is always hope”. Truer words have never been spoken. After a 21-month journey, which began with a pancreatic cancer diagnosis in 2020, Paul Dear (father of Maya, Year 12), Hawthorn Football Club Premiership Player and 1991 Norm Smith Medalist, passed away peacefully ‘completely enveloped in love and comfort’. Throughout this process the Dear family, championed by wife Cherie maintained optimism and persistence, taking control, exploring options and inspiring all those around them.
In an incredibly courageous endeavour and under the guidance and production of award-winning filmmaker, Peter Dickson, the documentary “Dare to Hope” was created. Exploring Paul and Cherie’s ‘relentless pursuit to defy the odds, raise awareness and demand funding for research to find innovative treatment options for pancreatic cancer‘, this documentary has allowed Paul’s legacy to live on. Through sharing his story and capturing precious moments with the Dear family, so many other families and individuals fighting one of Australia’s deadliest cancers will be inspired.