Religious Education
The focus in Religious Education for Term 2 in Years 9 and 11 is looking at our First Nations peoples in order to come to an understanding of how their previous suffering affects their lives today.
Year 9
In Year 9, as part of the topic of ‘Healing and Hope’, we will look at why healing is required for our First Nations peoples. We will examine the history of the Gunditjmara people of Western Victoria. The associated case study explores how these people were treated by the invading settlers and the ongoing consequences of this treatment. This area of Budj Bim is the area sacred to the Gunditjmara people. It is Australia’s latest World Heritage listed site and well worth a visit.
We cannot heal what we do not know is hurt. This is all very relevant to the current debates on the First Nations right to have a ‘Voice’ in the Australian parliament. The case study will involve group presentations covering the issues and ways to heal the past, by firstly owning up to our history on their land.
Year 11
In Year 11 Religion and Ethics we will make a comparison between Christian and First Nations spirituality. This will have some variation depending on the peoples studied, but ultimately there will be similarities and differences. The task will involve research using some of the collection of non-fiction First Nations texts held in our College Library. It is an outstanding selection and will be most informative. It is hoped that the students will bring their books home to share with their families, the very revealing and enlightening material contained therein.
The aim of the above studies is to keep the examples current and close to home, whilst addressing the assessment criteria. This will shine a religious light on these issues through our Catholic education.
Carmel Fraser