Year 7 Compassion Initiatives
Currently running in Year 7 are a number of initiatives created by Level Leader, Ms Leah Cristiano, which focus on our College value, Compassion. The ‘You Can Sit With Me’ program, sees Ambassadors trained on what to do if someone is lonely, particularly during the breaks. They offer a safe place for those in need to sit and refer them to a teacher if they feel they need help. We congratulate Charlee SM, Matilda DJ, Hannah R, Ruby S, Sarah MH and Amelie B for having the courage to take up the Ambassador role for Term 2 – an example of true leadership. In the Year 7 corridor is the ‘Acts of Compassion and Kindness Tree’, where staff write the name of students that have shown a random act of kindness and/or compassion, a beautiful visual reminder of those that go above and beyond for others.