Kilbreda Festival
Over the last fortnight during lunchtimes, numerous students have graced the Auditorium stage and performed for their peers in the Kilbreda Festival heats. Each performance received thunderous applause and at the end of each session performers were swamped with expressions of congratulations. We had over 40 separate acts audition and garnering the courage to perform in front of peers in a competitive environment takes great tenacity. Last night, the finalists performed in the grand final, a culmination of performances which included a recitation, bands, vocal performances and dance numbers. We congratulate the following students who received places on the night. Third Place went to April O and Lola P for their amazing tap-dance number, Second Place to Maya Corbett for her incredible performance of ‘When I met the Wizard’ and the winners on the day were a colourful and outstanding ensemble featuring Maya C, Evie H, Cara H, Elizabeth J, Alyce J and Stella U who all had the Auditorium clapping along to their rendition of ‘Ex-Wives’. What an honour it was celebrating all of the diverse gifts and talents that our students possess at Kilbreda. We hope the number of students who auditioned for heats this year inspires others to audition in years to come.