

Mother’s Day Breakfast

We are delighted to welcome Kate Ingram (Class of 1993) as our guest speaker for our Mother’s Day Breakfast.

Kate has contributed tirelessly to her family and local community for over 20 years. Her two sons are autistic, developmentally delayed and non- verbal and her passion is to support them and the structures that are in place to assist them in their daily lives. Kate has been heavily involved in supporting Yarrabah School, a school that caters for students that have mild to severe intellectual disabilities. Her sons have attended Yarrabah and she has spent 14 years on the Yarrabah School Council and 11 years with fundraising. Her efforts have resulted in doubling the school’s fundraising amounts!

Kate represented Yarrabah School at Special Needs Forums with the former Premier of Victoria,
Dan Andrews, on three separate occasions. She advocated strongly for before and after school
care at Yarrabah and as a result Yarrabah was one of only three schools to be included in a Before
and After School Care pilot program. As an advocate for support programs for senior people in our
community who live with a disability, she has also lodged her concerns regarding the lack of adult day
programs in Victoria with the government.

Kate exemplifies Strength and Kindliness every day! In 2019, she was nominated as a Kilbreda College Past Pupil of Distinction.