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CGSAV Triathlon

Yesterday, our students kicked off co-curricular sport at the College with the first event on the Catholic Girls Sports Association of Victoria calendar, the Triathlon. Held at Eastern Beach, Geelong the competition was intense and the weather conditions were pretty fabulous. Our collective efforts led to amazing results for the College with the Juniors tied for second place, the Intermediates came first and the Seniors secured third. Overall, we’re ecstatic that Kilbreda achieved second place! We’re also proud to announce that four of our students secured a place medallion – Kate G (6th), Emily G (8th), Celine I (5th), and Jacinta C (2nd). These individual achievements really stand out with such a large field of competitors. A huge thank you goes to our Sport Coordinators, Maree Clark and Jo Wood, as well as our dedicated coaching team. This great start sets the tone for what promises to be another fantastic year of co-curricular sport at the College. Up next, CGSAV Tennis!