

Design and Technologies

We are coming to the end of a very busy period for students and teachers. Our VCE and Year 10 students in Textiles and Food Studies have been preparing and sitting exams this week. We wish them all the best.

Next week we move into HeadStart for our Year 10, 11 and 12 classes. The transition into a new subject at a higher level can be exciting for some students and a challenge for others. All the teachers in Design and Technologies are here to support students with their transition to Year 10 and VCE.

Christine Vaughan
Learning Leader: Visual Arts, Design and Technologies

Year 9 Café Culture

Today we made some delicious, loaded cookies. These were so fun to make for our last class and have the time to really enjoy it. We walked out with some fun food too! In ours we put all three types of choc chips, mini marshmallows, M&Ms and Oreos.  

Amy Pedrazzini
Year 9

Recently in Café Culture, we had our final prac. We make loaded cookies. These cookies were filled with many lollies including Skittles, M&Ms, chocolate chips, pretzels and Oreos. These were delicious and a good way to finish off the semester.

Kaitlyn McCawley
Year 9


This term, students have been engaging with a wide variety of tools and techniques.

Year 7

We have been focusing on our embroidery and sewing machine skills, designing and producing a reading pillow with a personalised initial design on the front pocket.

Year 8

We have been refining our sewing machine skills further to produce an apron, using cutting techniques and a range of sewing stiches to construct the garment.

Year 9

We have been experimenting with various tie dye techniques, which were then implemented in the production process of a tie dye tote. We took our existing sewing machine skills and further developed these, creating a reversible, reusable tote bag.

With a focus on sustainable methods and practices, the junior Textiles classes have been working on techniques to create long lasting, functional and reusable products, enabling the students to take these skills and work towards a future with sustainability at the forefront.

Mikayla Cotsis
Textiles Teacher