

Year 8

“So the last will be first,
and the first will be last.”

Matthew 20:16

The quote from Matthew’s gospel comes from the first of three consecutive Sunday gospels in which Jesus tells a parable featuring a vineyard. In the time of Jesus, the making of wine was an everyday reality for Jewish families, and wine became a symbol of fellowship and welcome. Within this cultural framework, the vineyard became a symbol of the Kingdom of God, and the owner of the vineyard in Jesus’ parables represented God.

Like any vineyard, the Kingdom of God needs expert nurturing, care and nourishment. Like the biblical vineyard, and the vineyard of Kilbreda College also has those who nurture it, who work in it and who oversee its growth.

The Year 8 students, who have just returned from their Term 3 holidays, have spent all this year learning in the Kilbreda vineyard. There are many opportunities in Term 4 for them to flourish, such as a variety of assessment tasks for their subjects, summer sports, end of year concerts and the Year 8 ‘Dance Battle’. All of these are opportunities to add to the vineyard, as workers, not master builders.

Bill Fitzsimons
Level Leader: Year 8