

Principal’s Report

In recent weeks, our students have had the opportunity to engage in a number of wonderful programs and events, extending their learning in both the subjects they are studying and through their involvement in our co-curricular program.  I am incredibly grateful for the experience, specialist knowledge and skill of our staff, which enables us to offer our students extensive co-curricular learning opportunities, catering for their varied interests and enabling them to expand their experiences, further developing existing skills and confidently finding new passions.

Staff and student leaders from our Visual Arts, Design and Technologies team organised a week of activities to celebrate the multi-faceted dimension of these exciting and engaging learning areas.  Our Sport and Physical Education staff, together with other staff who have taken on coaching roles, have also been extremely busy hosting a variety of initiatives.  Our SEGAP sport intermediate netball and volleyball teams played fabulously well and are extremely deserving of accolade.  Our SEGAP junior sport teams saw students representing Kilbreda in a sports team for the very first time, fostering much joy and new social connections.  Our VNA School Girls Netball competition along with our CGSAV Aerobics teams also exemplified our staff and students’ enjoyment of sport and commitment to giving opportunity to healthy competition, participation, involvement, connection and engagement.  

At the same time, the Kilbreda community has delighted in seeing our production of Legally Blonde The Musical take to the stage!  The plot features meaningful and impactful key themes, befitting our students’ lives.  It recognises and celebrates individuality, challenges societal norms and stereotypes, and encourages audiences to embrace their uniqueness while pursuing their dreams with confidence and determination.

One of the musical’s feature songs “Find My Way” reflects the main character’s journey in life as she presents at her graduation ceremony.  The phrase “I was living in ignorant bliss, ‘til I learned I could be more than this” is full of meaning, capturing her navigation of the challenges of school and her personal life.  It speaks to her discovery of her true potential, strengths, and passions, and how her experiences have enabled her to become independent and self-assured.  The storyline encourages the pursuit of dreams and ambitions, regardless of the obstacles, with the main character demonstrating that determination and perseverance ultimately achieves goals, serving as an inspiring example for us all.

Congratulations to all students and staff involved and for your commitment to delighting our audiences over an eleven-day period with ten shows. Preparations commenced early in the year, and the cast, crew and production team have spent countless hours rehearsing to bring this lively and bright musical to the stage. Committing to months of rehearsals, practicing together to create a well-coordinated performance, navigating challenges, and celebrating achievements together, has brought students across all year levels together, emphasising the importance of collaboration, and the development of genuine connection. 

For the first time since 2017, we are overjoyed to reintroduce a live band to our musical production, adding dynamic and exciting elements to the show.  Our Musical Director, Kara-Lee Rabbetts, has brought together a talented group of community musicians and our own College student musicians, with two Year 11 students and three Year 12 students all studying VCE Music, as well as one Year 9 student contributing their wonderful talents.  Not only does live music give an authentic theatre experience to our audience, importantly it gives yet another opportunity for students to grow their passion and skill, and gain experience in operating as a musician in an industry context.  Through the addition of this element, our wider Performing Arts team have enjoyed the opportunity to foster new friendships and relationships as they journey through adapting music and performance to the needs of the cast, the musicians, and communicating the emotions of the show. 

Bringing to the stage a production such as this requires the involvement and support of a significant number of staff.  Congratulations and thank you to our extremely talented and dedicated Directors and Producers, Nicole Everett and Cara Mitchell; Musical Director, Kara-Lee Rabbetts; Lighting and Sound Technician, Matt Graham, and all other members of the Production Team! Together they have helped create a highly professional musical theatre experience for students and exemplified this year’s College value focus of “Courage” by giving opportunity for every one of our students to take a risk in a safe environment, let themselves ‘be seen’ in whatever capacity they were involved in in pulling this production together, and respecting the value and uniqueness of each person.

A very big thank you to all our teachers and support staff who have planned and facilitated these and other co-curricular programs for the benefit of our students.

All of these programs and activities contribute to the academic, social and emotional learning of our students. They can ignite curiosity, extend friendships and social connections, and inspire students to pursue new or existing areas of interest. They also contribute to the development of key transferable skills, often referred to as ‘soft skills’ such as communication, teamwork, problem solving, critical thinking and leadership. This is why we provide these opportunities and encourage all students to engage with them at Kilbreda.

I encourage you to start a conversation with your daughter over dinner tonight about the opportunities she has at the College by engaging in our co-curricular programs including Performing Arts, Sport, Visual and Creative Arts, Public Speaking and Debating, and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Math).  This section of our website is a great starting point to generate and consider some ideas. 

The Feast of the Assumption of Mary

This week we acknowledged the Feast of the Assumption of Mary, the Assumption signals the end of Mary’s earthly life and commemorates the belief that when Mary died, rather than going through the natural process of physical decay on Earth, both her soul and body were taken to Heaven, to be with her Son, Jesus. The feast day of this holy and momentous event stems from the middle of the 5th Century when the Commemoration of Mary, the Mother of God, was celebrated each year on August 15 in a shrine located near Jerusalem. The Assumption of Mary to Heaven is the sign of all that has been accomplished through the work of Christ. This momentous occasion is a cause for celebration, reflection, and deep spiritual connection, in the Assumption of Mary we witness the resurrection of the body and the new creation which has been promised to all of us. 

Father in heaven,
all creation rightly gives you praise,
for all life and all holiness come from you.
In the plan of your wisdom
she who bore the Christ in her womb
was raised body and soul in glory to be with him in heaven.
May we follow her example in reflecting your holiness
and join in her hymn of endless love and praise.

We ask this through Christ our Lord.


Nicole Mangelsdorf