Building Bridges Interfaith Dialogue Program
Recently, a group of our students participated in their first session of the Building Bridges Interfaith Dialogue program at Killester College, Springvale. This program is an experiential interfaith group with students from various colleges with varying religions and backgrounds. The purpose of this group is to promote mutual understanding, respect and ethical behaviour across cultural and religious diversities and to develop competent global leaders for the 21st century. The other schools that take part in this program are the King David School (Jewish coeducational), Mt Hira College (Islamic Coeducational), Nazareth (Catholic Coeducational) and Mazenod (Catholic Boys). The sessions always start with an introduction about the host College. Students then complete icebreaker activities providing a platform to interact with others. Meals are shared, with the sessions ending with group work and informative conversations around practices, cultures and beliefs. We thank Living Justice Coordinator, Trish Moloney, for coordinating this wonderful program.